The Ray Solem Foundation awards up to $20,000 to nonprofit organizations that create innovative solutions for victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, and unaccompanied immigrant youth.

$100K Youth Traffic Safety Program
The Honda USA Foundation is offering up to $100,000 to nonprofit organizations with traffic safety programs for youth (ages 0 through pre-driver’s permit), such as providing child restraint systems, bike helmets, and/or awareness programs that promote bike, motorsports, car and/or pedestrian safety.

Outdoor Recreation Equipment Grant
GameTime awards nonprofits, schools and youth organizations up to 100% matching funds toward the purchase of playground equipment.

$2.5K Music Program Expansion Grant
The D’Addario Foundation offers $2,500 of grant funding to support the development or expansion of music education programs, events and performance-based activities.

$5K Walmart Community Grant
Walmart is offering $5,000 in grant funding to nonprofit organizations with programs that focus on areas of education, hunger relief, healthy eating, public safety, and quality of life.

$5K Autism Speaks Local Impact Grant
Autism Speaks is offering up to $5,000 in grant funding to nonprofit organizations with programs that enhance the lives of those affected by autism spectrum disorders and expand the capacity to effectively serve the ASD community.

Unlimited Internet In-Kind Grant
Mobile Beacon is offering in-kind mobile hotspots and laptops (vaule $10,000) to nonprofit organizations working to provide unlimited internet to low-income families or individuals, seniors, students, and adults living with a disability.

$100K Women & Girls Empowerment Grant (Aura Cacia)
The Nasdaq Foundation’s Grant Program is offering funding to nonprofit organizations and programs that impact women and under-represented communities by enhancing financial engagement and improving access to financial knowledge and tools.

$40K Gambling Prevention Grant
The National Council on Problem Gambling initiative Agility Grant is offering up to $40,000 to nonprofit organizations problem gambling prevention programs.

Financial Education Grant (NASDAQ)
The Nasdaq Foundation’s Grant Program is offering funding to nonprofit organizations and programs that impact women and under-represented communities by enhancing financial engagement and improving access to financial knowledge and tools.