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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Funding Announcements (Members Only)

$450K Youth Risky Behavior Grant (DHHS)

The US DHHS-ACF offers up to $450,000 in grant funding to nonprofit and for-profit organizations’ projects that implement education that teaches youth self-regulation, goal setting, healthy decision-making, healthy relationships, a focus on the future, and the prevention and avoidance of sexual activity and other risky behaviors.

K-12 Community Partner Education Grant is offering inkind support ($85K) and grant funding ($10K) to innovative microschools, homeschooling co-ops, community-based organizations, K-12 districts, and charter schools looking to provide high-quality, enriching, and learner-led education to BIPOC.

$10K Youth Workforce Development

The Finish Line Youth Foundation’s Louder Than Words grant program offers up to $10,000 for nonprofit orgranizations with programs and activities that place an importance on higher education, vocational training, and/or career development.

$175K Family & Community Support Grant

The George & Fay Young Foundation offers grant funding up to $175,000 to nonprofit organizations with programs working to break destructive cycles and promote positive change while fostering self-reliance for individuals and families in part through equipping them with skills and knowledge to create and sustain healthy and successful lives.

$20K Community Grant

The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation is offering grants up to $20,000 to nonprofit organizations for community benefit programs and projects. Funding is intended to support hospitals and schools; museums, performing arts and cultural programs; skills training, educational, and other programming for seniors, youth, and people with disabilities; environmental and wildlife protection activities; and other programs that address community needs.