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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Funding Announcements (Members Only)

Mobile Learning Fund

ProLiteracy is offering grant funding for programs with focus on adult literacy and basic education, and builds capacity by supporting distance- and blended-learning solutions that help serve more adult students.

In-Kind Brand Grant

The Causality Brand Grant offers in-kind services to nonprofit organizations that encompass the full range of brand marketing and creative services that Causality provides on a regular basis.

Humanitarian and Community Benefit Grant

New Earth Foundation awards grants to projects that serve life’s wellness and Earth’s peace, this could include community efforts that create models of social sustainability, educational innovations that prepare youth to become the socially responsible leaders of the future, and strategies that offer economic improvement and opportunities.

Healthy Aging Grant

The Fit for Life Foundation is awarding funding to nonprofit organizations and social enterprises that make an impact on healthy aging for older (65+ years) or middle-aged people (40+ years)

$5K General Mini Grant

The Ray Solem Foundation awards up to $20,000 to nonprofit organizations that create innovative solutions for victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, and unaccompanied immigrant youth.

$100K Youth Traffic Safety Program

The Honda USA Foundation is offering up to $100,000 to nonprofit organizations with traffic safety programs for youth (ages 0 through pre-driver’s permit), such as providing child restraint systems, bike helmets, and/or awareness programs that promote bike, motorsports, car and/or pedestrian safety.