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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Funding – Nonprofit

$25K Career Path (Truist)

The Truist Foundation awards grants up to $25,000 to nonprofit organizations focused on building career pathways, with an emphasis on supporting systemically disadvantaged workers, women, and minority-owned businesses.

$20K Hospice Foundation Grant

Crossroads Hospice Charitable Foundation provides funding to nonprofits up to $20,000 for programs used for educating communities on Hospice resources, identifying excellent Hospice care, and by offering grief recovery resources. Their objective is to offer education to community organizations who provide end-of-life care and assist those organizations providing grief recovery support.

$250K Maternal Nutrition Education

Allen Foundation, Inc. provides grant opportunities of up to $250,000 to non-profit organizations with focused programs for the education and training of mothers during pregnancy and after the birth of their children, so that good nutritional habits can be formed at an early age.