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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Funding – Nonprofit

$5K Operations Grant

HoganTaylor Foundation provides funding up to $5000 to nonprofit organizations that focus on Arts, culture and humanities, Education and research Health, Human Services, Public/Societal Benefit.

$3K Edible Educational Garden

Whole Kids Foundation provides funding up to $3,000 to support educational garden projects that help students learn about complex topics such as nutrition and health, sustainability and conservation, food systems, and community awareness.

Youth Education & Housing Grant

TruStage Foundation provides grant funding for nonprofits with focus on supporting K-12 students through literacy, mentoring, and tutoring. Under the housing umbrella, the foundation supports nonprofits with programs focused on afforable housing, homelessness support and rental assistance.

$10K Youth Learning Environment

Imagine Learning Foundation provides grant funding up to $100,000 to nonprofits who are addressing vital issues concerning student housing insecurity and their basic needs along with the associated chronic absenteeism by students from their daily K-12 learning environments.