The JAMS Foundation/ACR Initiative for Students and Youth offers up to $40,000 in grant funding to nonprofit organizations that provide conflict prevention and dispute resolution programs to youth ages 5-11.

$15K General Youth Program Grant
The DanPaul Foundation providing funding up to $15,000 to nonprofit programs that directly serve the health, education, development, and welfare of the world’s youth.

Youth Library Grant
The Langston Family Foundation provide grants to nonprofit organizations with interest in Education – elementary, secondary, higher or expansion of children’s libraries.

$250,000 Community Grant
The Ronald W. Burkle Foundation is offering grants of up to $250,000 to nonprofits for activities that positively impact people around the world and their communities. Support is primarily given to programs in the areas of architecture and the arts, education and addressing the needs of undeserved communities.

Operational Support Grant
Clif Family Foundation is offering grants to nonprofit organizations for operational support. Funding is intended to support organizations that effect positive change. Focus areas include environment, food and agriculture, health, and sustainable community development. Grant funds must be used to support daily operating costs.

$500 In-Kind Target Gift Cards
Target Foundation offers in-kind grants of gift cards worth up to $500 to nonprofit organizations working to benefit and enrich the communities where Target stores are located.

$200K General Operations Grant (Hearst Foundation)
The Hearst Foundations provides up to $200,000 in grant funding to well-established nonprofit organizations that address significant issues within their major areas of interests – culture, education, health and social service – and that primarily serve large demographic and/or geographic constituencies.

In-kind Youth Equipment Grant
Pitch In For Baseball (PIFB) provides new and gently used baseball and softball equipment to organizations and programs that serve economically disadvantaged boys and girls (18 and under) who want to play ball but lack the equipment to do so.

$7.5K Literacy Program Grant
The Nora Roberts Foundation provide grants up to $7,500 to nonprofit organizations that provide youth literacy programs, theatre and arts education, after-school programs, summer camps, and professional training for teachers, students, schools, and families.

Reentry program Grant
CoreCivic Foundation is offering grant funding to nonprofit organizations with projects and programs intended to support former offenders, victims of crime and abuse, and underserved youth.