Need More Funding For Your Nonprofit Or Outreach Ministry?
Here are several great resources to help in your fundraising efforts. Whether you’re new to nonprofit work, just joined a nonprofit board for the first time, or simply want a few ideas to raise funds, these resources will help!
These Funding Source Reports contain Key facts on major funders that may provide funding for your Programs, Outreach Efforts, Core Services, Projects, and more. Each report contains contact information, financials, names of decision-makers, field of interest, and application instructions so you quickly locate your best funding opportunities.
Funding Your Organization
(Seed Money, Sponsorship, Fundraising, & Support)
These Funding Source Reports contain Key facts on major funders that may provide you with Seed Money, Sponsorships, In-Kind Services, Product Donations, Pro-Bono Services, and much more. Each report contains contact information, financials, names of decision-makers, field of interest information, and application instructions so you quickly locate your best funding opportunities.
Miscellaneous Funding
(Funding For Individuals, Business & Special Reports)
These Funding Source Reports contain Key facts on major funding sources that may provide you with a wide variety of support including, Land Donations, Land Acquisition Funding, Individual Cash Gifts (no 501c3 Needed), Contruction Grants, College Scholarships and much more. Each report contains contact information, financials, names of decision-makers, field of interest information, and application instructions so you quickly locate your best funding opportunities.