You've made a great decision to join Urban Awareness USA! As a member, you will be connected to the resources, opportunities and people you need to better fund your nonprofit, church or community group. Are you an Existing Member? Click Here to Login Here!
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When you become a member…
You'll Receive Help Finding Funding:
Whatever your mission, Urban Awareness USA helps you to discover the funding sources most likely to support you.
As a member of Urban Awareness, you receive immediate and ongoing access to our most current lists of available funding sources. Our Funding Source Reports contain all the information you need to identify and immediately contact potential sources to fund your organization or project.
Here's Partial List of Funding Source Reports You'll Receive:

- Funding Sources For Children & Youth Programs/Projects
- Funding Sources For Economic Development
- Funding Sources For Job Training Programs
- Funding Sources For Ex-Offender Services & Programs
- Funding Sources For Domestic Violence Prevention/Support Programs
- Funding Sources for HIV/AIDS Programs
- Funding Sources For Food Banks
- Funding Sources For Alcoholism Services
- Funding Sources For Programs Serving The Working Poor
- Funding Sources For Women’s Services
- Funding Sources For Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
- Funding Sources For Religious Groups
- Funding Sources For Homeless Services

- Funding Sources That Provide “Seed Money”
- Funding Sources That Provide Long Term Funding Support
- Funding Sources That Support Fundraisers
- Funding Sources That Give “In-Kind” Gifts
- Companies That Will Donate Products to Your Organization
- Companies That Will Provide Volunteers For Your Organization
- Companies That Will Match The Grant Funds You Receive From Others
- Companies That Will Match Donations Their Employees Give To Your Organization
- Companies That May Sponsor Your Events & Programs
- Companies That Will Provide Pro Bono Services To Your Organization

- 50 Best Funding Sources for Nonprofits & Community Groups
- Funding Sources That Provide Grants For Land Acquisition
- Funding Sources That Provide Grants Directly To Individuals
- College Scholarship Funding Opportunities
“Early-Bird” Funding Announcements!
As a member of Urban Awareness, you receive early access to new funding announcements. Each week, new RFPs (Requests for Proposals) and applications are published on our members-only website.Request New Funding Research!
As a member of Urban Awareness, you can put our research team to work by requesting custom funding source research. It's easy! Just tell us what type of funding you need and we will find it for you!You'll Receive Help Securing Funding:
Urban Awareness USA provides easy-to-use tools, resources and expert support to help churches, nonprofits and community groups secure more funding. As a member of Urban Awareness USA, you can:- Ask us! Connect immediately with one of our team members
- Attend classes & events happening online or in cities near you
- Listen, hear, and read educational resources from experts
Here's a Partial List of the Help You'll Receive
On-Demand Training Videos
When you become a member of Urban Awareness USA, you receive access to “On-Demand” training videos on subjects such the power of 501(c)(3), the “ABC's of Grant Writing”, How to Develop An Operating Budget, How to Secure Money, Sponsorships & Product Donations For Your Nonprofit and Much More.Live Webinars & Q&A Sessions
Urban Awareness USA members receive access to Live Webinars and Q&A Sessions on topics ranging from current events like, “How President Trump's budget priorities and policies may impact nonprofit funding efforts” to live walk-thru demonstrations of funding applications and proposals.Sample Documents
As a member of Urban Awareness USA, you get access to an assortment of useful “Sample Documents” such as copies of winning grant proposals, funding request letters, 1023 applications, conflict of interest statements, by-laws, succession plans, and much more. Access to these documents can increase your ability to raise funds and manage your organization.“Ask An Expert”
From fundraising to management and leadership to marketing, Tracy J Brown and the Urban Awareness USA team are available to answer your questions, share knowledge, and provide expert guidance.Small Group Coaching
As member of Urban Awareness USA, you gain access to small coaching groups and workshop that reveals dozens of our most closely guarded “trade secrets” and several of the best resources and tools our grant writers and consultants actively use when writing proposals and seeking funding for our clients.Urban Awareness USA Will Help You Find Funding Opportunities & Win Funding Proposals!

Join Urban Awareness USA Today!
Browse Over 2,000 Funding Sources (All Currently Accepting Applications)!
On-Demand Customized Funding Research (We’ll Find Sources That Match)!
Receive “Early Bird” Funding Announcements!
Downloadable Tools, Reports, Research & Program Models!
See Samples of Winning Applications, Proposals & Letters!
Ask Us Questions! Connect with one of our team members to get your questions answered!
On-Demand Training Videos!
Live Webinars!
Live Q&A Sessions!
Small Group Coaching!
And Much More!
Bonus: Free & Discounted Ticket to Live Workshops!
Bonus: Free Access to Unreleased Programs, Training & Workshops
Bonus: Grandfathered Discounts (Keep Your Discounted Membership Rate Forever!)

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