The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship offers grants up to $25,000 to support projects that enhance public worship and intergenerational faith formation in North American worshiping communities.

$2K Community Service Grant (Stellar)
The Stellar Foundation offers grants up to $2,000 to nonprofit organizations supporting healthcare, education, arts, culture, and community services,

$2.5K Music Education Grant
The D’Addario Foundation offers grants up to $2,500 to support educational programs that provide ongoing opportunities for active music participation, focusing on string, band, and orchestral instrument instruction.

$3.5K Environmental Grant Opportunity
The Energize the Environment program offers grants up to $3,500 to individuals or groups working on projects that enhance the environment, including trail restoration, litter prevention, sustainable land management, and youth environmental education.

$25K Grant for Indigenous Youth Sports (Nike)
The Nike N7 Fund offers grants up to $25,000 to support projects that promote sports and physical activities for Native Hawaiian, Native Alaskan, First Nations, and Native American youth, with a focus on empowering girls ages 7-17.

$250 Truck-Based Charity Grants
AmericanTrucks’ Positive Payload Program offers $250 donations to non-profit charitable organizations that use pickup trucks in their community service efforts.

$2.5K Community Health Equity
The HealthEquity Community Foundation offers grants up to $2,500 to nonprofit organizations addressing healthcare inequities, financial literacy, mental health support, and basic human needs in under-resourced communities.

$500 Agriculture Education Grants (K-12 Classroom Projects)
CHS Foundation offers $500 grants to pre-K-12th grade teachers for classroom projects that incorporate agricultural concepts into core subjects. Eligible projects include classroom gardens, embryology, aquaculture, and agricultural literacy programs, to be completed within the school year

$250K Healthy Food Access Grants
The HFFI FARE Fund, managed by Reinvestment Fund, offers grants and loans up to $250,000 to support innovative fresh food retail and food system enterprises improving healthy food access in underserved areas. The fund provides one-time investments for project development, renovation, or expansion, along with technical assistance for early-stage planning.

$50K Rapid Response Grants (Emergent Fund)
The Emergent Fund offers Rapid Response Grants up to $50,000 to support time-sensitive organizing strategies that resist threats, build power, and create communities of care, with a focus on dismantling systems of oppression and advancing collective liberation.