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Alcoholism Education Funding

The Hanley Family Foundation is accepting proposals from nonprofits that a focus on chemical dependency.

Grants awarded by the foundation support organizations and programs that advance the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of alcoholism, chemical dependency, and addictive behavior, including support for related research and education.

They accept pre-proposals on an ongoing basis. Upon review, selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal. Grant amounts are determined on a project-by-project basis.

For complete program guidelines and application procedures, see the Hanley Family Foundation website.

Click Here to See Full Application Details

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This is is a national funding opportunity (United State of America only).

If your organization does not work on issues related to chemical dependency, please share this funding opportunity with someone who does.


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Urban Awareness USA bridges the gaps between communities, philanthropist, local government agencies, nonprofits and faith-based organizations. Since 2003 UA has been providing comprehensive services, resources, training and networking opportunities enabling enhanced awareness and collaboration between stakeholders to better serve urban communities.