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Day: January 13, 2025

Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grant (ALA)

The American Library Association’s Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grant provides collections of books submitted for the Coretta Scott King Book Awards to libraries and organizations serving children and youth. Eligible applicants include schools, libraries, social service agencies, detention centers, religious organizations, and higher education institutions that demonstrate a need for and potential benefit from the collection.

Financial Literacy & Diversity Grant (Nasdaq Foundation)

The Nasdaq Foundation offers quarterly grants to nonprofit organizations supporting under-resourced communities by enhancing financial literacy and promoting diverse entrepreneurship. Funding focuses on empowering women and under-represented groups with financial knowledge, tools, mentoring, and improved access to capital.

$60K Safe Housing Grant for Survivors and Pets

RedRover offers grants of up to $60,000 to nonprofit domestic violence and animal organizations across the U.S. Funding supports creating pet-friendly housing for survivors, including building or renovating spaces for pets, starting foster programs, covering temporary boarding costs, or providing veterinary care.