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Month: June 2024

$1.5M Juvenile Reform Grant

US DOJ’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention provides funding up to $1.5M to nonprofit and for-profit organizations with programs that reduce youth recidivism through justice system reform.

$184M HIV/AIDS Program Grant

US DHHS-HRSA, provides funding under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, to nonprofit and community-based organizations for medical services (outpatient settings) for low-income, uninsured and underserved residents with HIV.

$150K Disability-Led Grant

Borealis Philanthropy provides funding up to $150,000 to support nonprofit organizations that are disability-led and programs that moves practices of disability inclusion and justice forward.

$50K Social Impact Grant (Women Rise)

Together Women Rise provides funding up to $50,000 to focus on programs that foster good health, education, and economic self-sufficiency in developing countries. They are devoted to educating and inspiring individuals to make a difference and fight global poverty through the power of collective giving.

Youth Education Program Grant

The Charles Lafitte Foundation is awarding grant funding to nonprofit organizations with programs aimed to resolve social service issues, assist students with learning disabilities, provide technology and computer based education, create access to education of the arts, support at-risk children from pre-school to college and provid learning enhancement, including the development of leadership skills.