The Lowe’s Foundation Gable Grants program is offering up to $1 million in grant funding to community-based nonprofit organizations with program-related expenses for sustainable, scalable skilled trades workforce development including instructors, program materials, new or remodeled training space, equipment, capacity building, etc.

$125K Community Impact Grant (Kroger)
“Kroger Foundation provides funding to nonprofits up to $125,000 to focus on Zero Hunger | Zero Waste, Diversity & Inclusion, Health & Nutrition, and Stronger Communities

$1.5K Youth Activity Grant
Michael Napoleone Memorial Foundation provides funding to organizations up to $1,500 to facilitate youth activities for children up to age 18.

$25K Enhance Worship Grant
Calvin Institute of Christian Worship provides funding up to $25,000 to nonprofits for projects designed to foster vital worship in congregations, parishes, and other worshiping communities in North America.

$65K Horticulture Community Building Grant
Burpee Foundation provides funding up to $65,000 to nonprofits to support the use of horticulture as a means for community building through school-age and adult educational programs, healthy eating, worker training, horticultural therapy, community gardening, and more.

$10M Social Enterprise Innovation Grant
Michael and Susan Dell Foundation provides funding up to $10,000,000 to organizations to fund social enterprises that directly serve or impact children or youth from urban low-income communities in the areas of education, health, and family economic stability (including livelihoods and financial inclusion). These social enterprises may be structured as for-profit or nonprofit entities.

$25K Autism Transition Grant
NEXT for AUTISM provides funding up to $25,000 to nonprofits to support the transition from school to adulthood in the following three areas: home, work and social.

Akamai Foundation STEM Inclusion Grant
Akamai Foundation provides funding for nonprofits to provide a comprehensive plan outlining their STEM education program goals. This should include a digital inclusion strategy to address and eliminate barriers to access and use of technology in learning, especially for the most disadvantaged.

$10K Saucony Youth Running Impact Grant
Saucony Run For Good Foundation is providing funding up to $10,000 nonprofit organizations to inform the public about the cause and prevention of childhood obesity and provides funding to optimize the impact and success of community organizations that promote running and healthy-lifestyle programs for youth.

$40K Faith Empowerment Grant
George Shinn Foundation provides funding up to $40,000 to nonprofit organizations and churches in support of programs designed to improve the lives of those in need, answering calls for help in times of crisis, and equipping ministers.