The Ray Solem Foundation awards up to $20,000 to nonprofit organizations that create innovative solutions for victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, and unaccompanied immigrant youth.
$100K Youth Traffic Safety Program
The Honda USA Foundation is offering up to $100,000 to nonprofit organizations with traffic safety programs for youth (ages 0 through pre-driver’s permit), such as providing child restraint systems, bike helmets, and/or awareness programs that promote bike, motorsports, car and/or pedestrian safety.
Outdoor Recreation Equipment Grant
GameTime awards nonprofits, schools and youth organizations up to 100% matching funds toward the purchase of playground equipment.
$2.5K Music Program Expansion Grant
The D’Addario Foundation offers $2,500 of grant funding to support the development or expansion of music education programs, events and performance-based activities.
$5K Walmart Community Grant
Walmart is offering $5,000 in grant funding to nonprofit organizations with programs that focus on areas of education, hunger relief, healthy eating, public safety, and quality of life.
$5K Autism Speaks Local Impact Grant
Autism Speaks is offering up to $5,000 in grant funding to nonprofit organizations with programs that enhance the lives of those affected by autism spectrum disorders and expand the capacity to effectively serve the ASD community.