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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Year: 2022

In-Kind Marketing Services

Next Day Animation is offering any nonprofit organization a 2-minute whiteboard animation at no cost, including messaging consultation, scripting, professional voiceover, and custom artwork to support marketing efforts.

$500 Music Program Grant

The Sharon Gewirtz Kids to Concerts Fund is offering small grants of up to $500 to support nonprofit music programs by providing the opportunity for children and youth to attend live performances of classical music and other related programming.

Community Improvement Grant

Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation is offering funding to aid nonprofit organizations who strive to serve the community in various ways such as improving social conditions, expanding education, and working to better the environment.

$5K Fundraising Technology Grant

Network for Good is a mission-driven technology company offering a $5,000 grant to help nonprofit organizations kickstart their fundraising efforts, which includes personal fundraising coaching and one year of Network for Good’s fundraising software.

Senior Care Grant

The Jay L. Smith Family Foundation will give grants to nonprofit organizations in areas of alzheimer’s research, strengthening families, elderly care, suicide prevention, and spiritual wellbeing.