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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Year: 2022

$2K Social Change Grant

Common Counsel’s Grassroots Exchange Fund (GXF) is offering grants up to $2,000 to support grassroots social change organizations’ ability to collaborate, share best practices, and build capacity.

$1M Women and Children Support Grant

The Scaife Family Foundation if offering grants up to $1,050,000.00 to nonprofit organizations that provide programs and/or services surrounding the health and welfare of women and children, as well as early intervention and prevention efforts in the area of drug and alcohol addiction.

Youth Education Grant

The Andrew Family Foundation is offering aid to nonprofit organizations whose purpose is focused on positively impacting the lives of youth through educational programs and services.

$75K STEM Grant

Cisco Global Impact Cash Grants allots up to $75,000 in aid to nonprofit organizations with K-8 programs that focus on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) studies, and secondary and higher education programs related to technology, engineering, and math.