Polaris Industries is offering grants of up to $10,000 to nonprofit organizations and government agencies to ensure the future of all-terrain vehicle (ATV) riding. Funding is available to local, state, and national organizations working to preserve trail access and promote safe and responsible riding.

$10K Music Education Grant
The Mockingbird Foundation is offering grants of up to $10,000 to nonprofit organizations and schools for programs that provide music education to children and youth. Particular interest is given to programs serving disenfranchised groups, including those with disabilities or terminal illnesses; low-skilled, low-skilled, low-income, and low-education populations; and those in foster homes, shelters, hospitals, prisons, or other remote or isolated situations.

$5K Community Impact Grant
The Home Depot Foundation is offering in-kind donations up to $5,000 to nonprofit organizations and public service agencies for community improvement projects. Priority will be given to disaster-response projects and projects that benefit veterans.