Causes Calendar & National Giving Days

This cause awareness and giving days calendar is a powerful tool that will help you raise more money. The real-time, in the moment nature of social media increases the likelihood that donors will be inspired to give to your nonprofit on cause awareness and giving days provided that your nonprofit knows how to promote them effectively.
Sample of Successful Event Solicitation Letter

This document contains a sample of an Event Sponsorship Solicitation Letter that has been successfully funded by major corporate sponsors. This sample will provide you with a clear example of a solicitation letter "done right" so you can create many winners for your organization in the future.

Funding Sources That Provide "Seed Money"

This report contains application details and contact information for funding sources that are willing to provide "Seed Money" to organizations with "no-strings". Seed Money amounts are normally smaller (under $100,000) but it is the best type of funding for new or small nonprofits.

Surprise! Here are Some Unadvertised Bonuses! Thank You!

Companies That Will Donate Products to Your Organization

This report contains grant application details and contact information for funding sources that donate their products. These funders provide items such as, office supplies, equipment, tools, software, vehicles, food, clothing, medicine, etc.
Companies That Will Provide Pro Bono Services To Your Organization

This report contains application details and contact information for funding sources willing to provide professional services to nonprofits and community groups on a Pro-Bono basis.

Companies That May Sponsor Your Events & Programs

This report contains application details and contact information for funding sources that are willing to support nonprofits and community groups by providing sponsorship opportunities.
Training Video (Thank You!)
Here is your Video Download:
Bonus Video: Making The Mission: How To Secure Money & "Stuff" From Corporate Sponsors