The Special Discount Ends When Time Expires

Do You Need Help Finding, Writing, Winning & Keeping Funding? Now You Can Work One-On-One With Ty Boone, "The $400-Million Dollar Woman".

Why Should You Retain Ty's Brain?

When you join Retain My Brain (RMB) Ty Boone will work one-on-one with you/your team/your board to help you achieve your organizational and fund development goals.

As a RMB member, Ty will not only review the grant proposals that you've written and give you feedback to improve your chances of success, but she will also write proposals and sponsorship letters for you.

If you are ever unsure about anything related to your nonprofit, Ty will answer all your questions about nonprofit fund development, organizational development, and more.

If you need guidance, advice or accountability partner, as a member of RMB, Ty will help you create plans and work one-on-one with you to help implement those plans.

Here Is What You Receive....

Proposal Review

As a member of RMB, once a month, at your request Ty Boone will write a grant proposal for you! Depending on complexity, this benefit includes the writing of grant proposals, grant applications, corporate sponsorships, letters of intent, etc up to $100,000 each. However, this does not include federal, state or local government applications/proposals.

Automatic Grant Submissions

As a member of RMB, every thirty days we will automatically write & submit one grant on your behalf up to $10,000 each. No request needed.

One-On-One Consulting

As a member of RMB, at your request, Ty Boone will work one-on-one with you/your team/your board every month to help you solve problems, identify opportunities or implement plans specifically for your organization. These one-on-one consulting sessions are all about you, your issues, your challenges, your opportunities, and your success.

Lighting Round Live!

Live on Zoom, once per week, you can connect with Ty Boone to get your questions answered.

Capacity Cram Live!

Live on Zoom, twice per week, you can connect with Ty Boone and her team, to help you create the documents that most funding sources require you to have in place BEFORE they award funding to your organization.


YES! Let's Get Started Today!!

The Special Offer Ends When Time Expires

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Get Started ($299)No Comitment. Cancel Anytime. All Payments Non-Refundable

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